10 Reasons Why Having a Pet Will Make You Happier

It is no secret that being a pet parent brings an abundance of joy to our lives. It is also no surprise that 69% of US households have at least one pet. Pet’s contribute immensely to human well-being and happiness, whether they’re chewing your shoes, shredding the furniture or licking your face, your life will not be the same without them.

You may not be in your best mood, but waking up each morning to a smiling face and wagging tail is incomparable. Studies have proven that spending time with pets (even fish!) helps you mentally and emotionally such as lowering your blood pressure, keeping anxiety and depression at bay, etc.

We celebrate May as National Pet Month and in this article, we are going to mention 10 ways pets add so much meaning in our lives.

1. They get us off our butts (literally)

People who own pets (especially dogs) are known to be more active than those who don’t. A study by Michigan State University found that people who walk their furry buddy, are 34% more likely to fit, with 150 minutes of walking per week, compared to people who don’t have a dog.

Being a pet owner has its own set of responsibilities, such as feeding the pet, bathing them, taking them for a walk, and keeping track of them around the clock. This encourages you to be more responsible socially as well - at your workplace, with your family members and other areas of life.

2. Reduces Stress

Spending time with your pet can help increase levels of your oxytocin - aka feel-good hormone and reduces cortisol, a stress hormone. Here’s the fun part: any dog owner will agree that their stress level decreases significantly when they bring their dog to work. This has resulted in many businesses permitting folks to bring their dog to work. Less stress directly results in increased productivity.

3. They can help you live in the moment

A spiritual teacher and New York Times bestselling author Eckhart Tolle once said: “I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of them cats." 

If you’re a cat parent, you have probably noticed them sitting still for hours. They have this innate ability to just be in the moment and not worry about the past or future.

4. You’re never alone

A dog is a true friend who will always be around, without judging you. We all have our bad days. Imagine in the middle of an unpleasant day, your pooch places their head on your lap and expresses “It’s ok, can we go for a walk?” How helpful is that to come out from a bad mood!

5. Pets help you with being disciplined

Being a pet owner has its own set of responsibilities. You have to put aside some time to play, feeding the pet, taking a bath, etc. This will help you form a daily routine and sticking to it will make you more disciplined at not only home, but even at your workplace.

6. You become more flexible

Pet’s do unexpected things, which at times looks inappropriate to humans. They may hop onto your guest’s lap and startle them, leaving them shocked and scared. They may defecate at an unexpected place. Being a pet owner, you have to understand their behavior and not react to these “inappropriate” actions. This makes you mentally and emotionally flexible and part of the game.

7. Heal your bones and muscles

Did you know that a cat’s purring has a therapeutic healing ability on your bones, tendons, and muscles? A cat’s purring indicates that they are happy and comfortable.

Scientifically, a cat’s purr creates vibrations at a 20-140 HZ frequency and this is known to have a positive healing effect on human bones and muscles.

8. You communicate better and become a better listener

You talk to your pet through non-verbal communication, gestures or touch. Now, not always will you understand what your pet wants to convey, and at times it will take more than a couple of attempts to get that right. But this also helps you become a better listener and communicate better with your pets and your humans.

9. They are a natural mood booster

Humans have a neurotransmitter in our brain called dopamine. This is related to the reward and pleasure feelings we experience. When you play with your pet, the level of dopamine increases in your body. This results in making you feel calm, peaceful and happier.

10. You become more forgiving

There are a ton of things pets can do which can annoy you. They may pee on your sofa, break your new vase or chew your best shoes. When they do these silly activities, as a pet parent, you just try to understand and forgive them, even though that forgiveness can be difficult in the moment.

Over some time, forgiveness becomes your natural reaction, which helps you deal with more complex life situations when you just forgive and forget!

We know there are boundless joys of being a pet parent. We love having pets around just as much as you do. We’re here for any support or unusual symptoms your pet can face. You can use our online scheduling tool to book your appointment or call us at 785-762-5631 in case of an emergency.