Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?

Are Potatoes Good or Bad for Dogs?

Dogs want to be part of every aspect of your life. This is especially true when you are eating a dish that your dog has been smelling you prepare. When your four-legged child is giving you puppy dog eyes, it can be hard to say, “No.” However, their health and safety is more important than giving in to their begging. The question often arises, “Can dogs eat potatoes?” when pet owners are trying to figure out what human foods can be shared with their dog. The short answer is, yes! If you are wondering what the long answer is, keep reading this article to ensure you have all of the information you need to keep your dog safe. 

Can Dogs Have Potatoes?

To quickly answer your question, yes. Dogs can have potatoes. Potatoes are nutrient rich vegetables that provide a healthy serving of vitamin C, vitamin B6, iron, and magnesium. The combination of these vitamins and minerals can have positive effects on your dog’s immune and nervous systems. However, potatoes also contain solanine. This substance can be harmful to dogs if your potatoes are not prepared correctly. 

Your dog should never eat raw potato. A raw potato contains far too much of solanine. The only way to remove solanine is to cook the potato by boiling or baking it. Furthermore, dogs that are diabetic should not eat potatoes. Potatoes can cause your dog’s blood sugar to increase, which can be harmful for dogs with diabetes.

Dogs can only have potatoes that have been cooked thoroughly and do not contain seasonings. Your dog should not have potatoes every night because even too many cooked, unseasoned potatoes can cause solanine poisoning in your pet. Dogs should only have potatoes sparingly on special occasions to ensure they remain healthy. 

Can Dogs Eat Potato Skins?

While potato skins can be incredibly delicious and crunchy, they should only be given to your dog sparingly. Potato skins contain oxalates. Oxalates are fine in moderation. However, if your dog eats too many potato skins, they may develop kidney problems. In order to keep your pet safe, consider keeping the potato skins to yourself and only sharing small amounts of unseasoned, cooked potatoes. 

Can Dogs Have Mashed Potatoes?

Your dog can eat mashed potatoes, but these are not going to be the same potatoes you prepare for a family meal. The mashed potatoes you serve your dog need to be plain and unseasoned. You should not add salt, garlic, onion powder, or any other seasonings. Some seasonings, such as onion and garlic powders, are toxic to dogs and may cause anemia. Additionally, high levels of salt can quickly lead to dehydration. You can safely share a small amount of unseasoned mashed potatoes to your dog as a special treat. 

Can Dogs Eat Baked Potatoes?

If you want to share a small portion of your baked potato with your dog, you can! However, you need to make sure the baked potato for your dog is peeled, cooked thoroughly, and unseasoned. If you did not prepare a special baked potato for your dog, there is no need to fret! You can simply remove any skin and rinse off your potato before sharing it with your pet. However, iIf you injected any flavors into your baked potato before cooking it, you should not share it with your dog. 

Are Potatoes Safe For Dogs?

To recap, potatoes are safe for most dogs in moderation. In order to be safe, potatoes need to be fully cooked. Raw potatoes and excessive amounts of potato skins are not safe for dogs because of the substances they contain. The solanine and oxalates found in potatoes and potato skins can create numerous health risks for your dog. 

If your dog is displaying any signs of severe gastrointestinal distress, lethargy, weakness, or confusion after eating potatoes (with or without your permission), please do not hesitate to request an appointment immediately.