Best Dog Breeds for First Time Owners

If you are looking to add a four legged member to your family, you are on the right path! The decision to own a dog for the first time is not one to rush into. By taking the time to look up the best dogs for your home, you are well on your way to making an informed decision. We've outlined the top five dog breeds for first time owners. You will learn about their average weight, care requirements and more!

Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retrievers are a wonderful option for a first pet. This breed is incredibly intelligent, which makes training easy. They are also very affectionate. Despite weighing 55 to 80 pounds, these dogs are gentle with children and other pets.

Their coats are short and thick. You will need to brush them at least once a week. However, shedding is minimal. Labs need quite a bit of exercise, so be prepared to walk them often.

Golden Retriever

You know a Golden Retriever as soon as you see one. Their beautiful coats are iconic, but they require regular maintenance. Blow outs and brushing must be done weekly to keep shedding to a minimum.

Golden Retrievers are intelligent and easy to train. They are relaxed at home and a great dog for families. They love regular exercise and chasing after balls. This breed weighs an average of 55 to 75 pounds when fully grown.

Yorkshire Terrier

If you want a small, loving dog, a Yorkshire Terrier is an excellent option. This tiny breed only weighs up to 7 pounds! These dogs have a long coat that is slightly high maintenance. It must be brushed and trimmed often to prevent matting.

Yorkies are very energetic, despite their small size. They love their owners very much and are incredibly protective. For the most part, this breed is easy to train. Positive reinforcement is best for training Yorkies.

Shih Tzus

A Shih Tzu is a great small to medium size dog for first time owners. Weighing only 9 to 16 pounds, this breed is great whether you live in a house or an apartment. This breed requires additional training to grasp certain concepts.

For the most part, Shih Tzus are laid back. They only need one walk a day. Their medium energy level makes this breed a great option for families with children. They do require regular grooming to maintain their coat.


Pugs are an adorable and iconic breed. They make a great first dog because of their medium energy level and small size. They only weigh 14 to 18 pounds when fully grown.

There are a lot of dogs in their tiny body! They are happy with children, adults, and seniors. Their face wrinkles must be cleaned often. For the most part, these dogs are low maintenance. They may experience health problems as they age, however.

At the end of the day, the best first dog for you will be a dog you are ready to love and one that fits in the space your home or apartment has to offer. If you rent a small place, a smaller dog will be more suited for you. If you have a yard or can visit the dog park often, the larger breeds mentioned in this list are incredibly gentle giant's that are easy to train.

Once you know which of the dogs for first time owners is best for you and your family, you need to find a vet to care for your dog. We are happy to assist you with general wellness, annual exams, shots, and more! Please, contact us today to request your appointment