Shock collars for dogs are a controversial topic. Some owners swear by them. Others believe they are the worst thing you can do. If you're considering a shock collar, consider the potential drawbacks and make an informed decision that keeps your pet's well-being in mind.
Do Shock Collars Work?
Many people use shock collars for dogs, which leaves others to wonder, "Do shock collars work?" Shock collars can provide some signs of effectiveness. Unfortunately, the behavior changes are based on fear - not learning - which means your pet may regress once the collar is no longer around its neck.
If you're using a shock collar for your dog or are considering using one, review our top 5 reasons why shock collars are bad for your pet to educate yourself on the pitfalls of using shock collars to train your pets.
Why You Should NOT Use a Shock Collar on Your Dog
There are many reasons to avoid using shock collars to train your pet and eliminate bad behaviors.
1. It HURTS!
While most companies offering shock collars stress how "safe" their products are and how it "doesn't really hurt" your pet, we assure you that it does. It's true that it won't do permanent physical damage or leave scars. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Think back to all the times you hurt yourself. Do you have physical marks from every single injury?
2. It Doesn't Change Behavior Long term
Using shock collars for dogs may seem like a great solution if your dog immediately stops doing the behaviors that cause him or her to be shocked. However, they are not learning that what they are doing is bad behavior. They are simply learning that they get shocked if they do it. It doesn't show your pet what he or she should be doing instead, so when the collar comes off, the behavior is likely to return.
3. It Can Create More Challenging & Aggressive Behaviors
Instead of learning what are acceptable behaviors, shock collars for dogs teach them that they are helpless and disempowered. This can lead to depression, anxiety, or, even worse, aggression. They learn to be fearful, and scared dogs can become dangerous dogs, regardless of how sweet they were prior to using shock collars and other negative training methods.
4. It Can Cause a Rift Between You & Your Pet
Dogs are loyal creatures and deserve our love. Once your dog begins to associate your presence with a painful experience, they might start to become leery around you, as well. After all, you are supposed to be their protector. Allowing them to get hurt is a dereliction of duty, and their relationship with you might suffer as a result.
5. There Are Positive, Healthy Alternatives
There are plenty of options for training your dog that don't involve pain or fear-based methods. There is an assortment of pain-free products on the market, and advanced behavior training works wonders with dogs of all types and sizes. It's better to teach your pet how you want them to behave and reward positive behaviors. With these methods, true learning and behavior change can take place.
We hope this list has made you reconsider using a shock collar on your pet. And the next time someone asks, "Do shock collars work?", we hope you'll inform them of the potential consequences of negative, painful, and fear-based animal training.
Ready to discuss how you can correct your dog's behavior? Request an appointment today!