How to Keep Your Pet Hydrated During the Summer

As the temperature continues to rise, it is important for both you and your furry friends to maintain optimal hydration. You know that you need to drink water and you can tell when you need to drink more. However, do you know how to identify dog dehydration signs or how to maintain optimal dog hydration? Regardless if you have had your best friend for years or just adopted them yesterday, read on to learn about the signs to pay attention to and how to maintain their hydration this summer. 

4 Signs of Dog Dehydration

Since your pet cannot speak, you must learn what certain signs mean. When you see any of these signs, this is your pet’s way of letting you know they are dehydrated. 

1. Dry, Sticky, Pale Gums

Your dog’s gums can tell you quite a bit about their vitals. Slowly peel back their lips and take a look at their gums. They should be moist and pink with thin, slippery saliva. This is a great indicator they are hydrated! However, if their gums are pale, sticky, or dry, your furry friend is dehydrated and needs water ASAP. 

2. Lethargic Behavior 

When your dog experiences dehydration, they will lose their pep and pizzazz. They will want to lay around more often than not. Walks, playing, and following you from room to room will stop. This is a sign your pup needs to drink some water. Just like you, your dog needs to be hydrated in order to have enough energy to do the things they love. 

3. Loss of Appetite

When a dog stops eating, you can certainly bet something is wrong. In the summertime, it can simply just be dehydration. Always have fresh, clean water available for your pet during the warmer months. If they still won’t eat after drinking water or refused to drink at all, call your vet. 

4. Increased Heart Rate

When your dog doesn’t have enough water, their heart rate will increase. You may or may not be able to identify this when they are only slightly dehydrated. If you happen to notice a very rapid heartbeat, check their dums to see if they are dehydrated.

3 Tips For Maintaining Dog Hydration

You can lead a dog to water, but you can’t make them drink. Try these tips to ensure proper dog hydration is possible for your pet. 

1. Keep Their Water Bowl Clean

Would you want to drink from a cup that hasn’t been washed recently? Your dog feels the same way. You need to keep their water bowl clean at all times. This means washing it at least once a day to prevent any bacteria from growing. Make sure you keep plenty of water in their clean bowl throughout the day as well! 

2. Always Bring Clean Water With You

Anytime you leave the house with your dog, you need to have water with you. You never know if you are going to run into a neighbor or a walk or spend more time at the dog park. You should not rely on others to have water available, so bring a bottle of water and a collapsible bowl with you on all of your adventures together. 

3. Add Water To Dog Food

This trick works for both wet and dry food. Simply add some water to their food to ensure they are staying hydrated. Your dog will think they are getting something new for dinner. You can have peace of mind you are getting as much water into their system as possible this summer. In addition to food, give your pup a small ice cube as a treat instead of their regular snack. 

Visit a Vet If You Are Concerned About Dog Dehydration 

Just like you would visit a doctor if you were not feeling well, you should not hesitate to bring your pet to the vet if they are not their normal selves. Dog dehydration is serious and can lead to worse conditions if not treated.

Request an appointment today to check on your pet and ask us about how to maintain dog hydration levels all year long.