6 Warnings Signs A Dog Is In Pain

No one enjoys being in pain. When we feel pain, we can express our concerns using words and describe exactly what is going on. However, our favorite furry loved ones do not have this luxury. It’s important to learn and understand how to recognize signs a dog is in pain to ensure they live their happiest life. In this post, we will discuss how the following signs you should be on the lookout for:

  1. Your pet is agitated. 

  2. Your pet is growling or yelping. 

  3. Your pet is grumpy and snapping at you.

  4. Your pet is being quiet, less active, or hiding.

  5. Your pet is limping or reluctant to walk.

  6. Your pet is not eating.

Let’s dive in and to understand signs that your dog is experiencing pain. 

1. Your pet is agitated. 

When your pet is in some sort of pain, they will not feel comfortable. They may move from room to room or keep adjusting their position. If it’s not normal for your dog to display this type of behavior, it’s time for a visit to the vet to find the source of their agitation. 

2. Your pet is growling or yelping. 

A dog’s growl or yelp after touching an area that is causing them pain is the equivalent to us saying ouch or groaning. If you hear this noise, be sure to check for any injuries. If you can’t find anything or the yelping persists, seek immediate vet attention. 

3. Your pet is grumpy and snapping at you.

When your pet enters a poor mood or begins to snap at you, you should get a hold of your vet right away. This is one of the clear signs a dog is in pain. It could be an internal or external problem that needs immediate attention. 

4. Your pet is being quiet, less active, or hiding.

When your pet is in pain, they won’t be their normal self. Rather, they will begin to shy away from you and try to hide. If this isn’t normal, give your vet a call and let them know if your pet has exhibited any other signs they are in pain. 

5. Your pet is limping or reluctant to walk.

Just as we avoid putting weight on an area that hurts us, dogs will not walk well when they are in pain. Whether they have something in their paw or some arthritis in their joints, they will not walk. This is a clear indicator your dog is in pain. 

6. Your pet is not eating.

When a dog does not eat, something is usually terribly wrong. Most dogs rejoice when it is dinner time. While it could be an upset stomach from eating something they shouldn’t have, it’s important to monitor how long your dog has skipped meals and give your vet a call right away. 

Help Your Pet Live A Pain Free Life

Since we cannot yet understand a dog’s language, we must understand the signs a dog is in pain to ensure they are living their best life. By taking time to become familiar with the signs, you can ensure your pet receives the help they need when they need it. If you have seen your furry best friend exhibit any signs a dog is in pain, please request an appointment  as soon as possible.