5 Easy Tips On How To Take Better Care Of Your Pet

In honor of National Animal Safety and Prevention Month, we've assembled a list of various ways to take care of your pet, giving them all the TLC they need in order to thrive.

1. Get regular check-ups 

Take your pet to the vet once a year for a full physical check-up, including potentially basic bloodwork that can form a reference point of comparison as they get older. Regular veterinary care also makes it easier to stay on top of vaccinations, which help prevent serious illness in your beloved pet.

There are other things your vet can help with as proactive measures to protect your pet. They can spay or neuter your pet, preventing them from unwanted offspring but also often protecting animals from long-term illness, particularly with females.

Your vet can also microchip your pet to ensure that they can be found and brought back to you in the event that they get lost.

2. Feed them high-quality food

Just as with humans, a critical part of long-term self-care is maintaining a high-quality diet. Not only does this need to be nutritionally balanced, but the ingredients should be of premium quality. Consider protein content depending on your pet's breed, as well as fiber to prevent digestive issues. If you’re unsure of your pet’s dietary needs, set up an appointment to get recommendations.

Taking care or your pet with proper nutrition is a great step for your pet’s happiness and health.

3. Give them a clean, comfortable living space

First off, make sure this space is safe. Look for things like wires that might be exposed or plants that would be toxic if ingested.

Then, make sure you provide them with comfortable, supportive places to sleep or lounge. Also be sure to consider what spaces they already tend to relax and feel most safe, then use those considerations to inform your choices.

4. Socialize them

Keep your pet around other humans as well as other animals--including their own species – from as young an age as possible. Not only do most animals learn behaviors from other animals, particularly when they are young, but other animals can provide your pet with some additional problem-solving opportunities (and other engagement) while also keeping morale high.

5. Train them

Many pets may be eligible candidates to be assistance or companion animals, whether supporting adults with physical disabilities or providing emotional support to get through very difficult moments. In order to successfully pursue either path with your pet, you must be mindful of the power of training.

Even without advanced-level applications, it’s good to take care of your pet by training them. In this way, it can be safer for you to bring guests to your home and entertain your visitors. Train your pet on everything from how to receive people when they come home all the way through positively reinforcing when they ask for specific food or drink.

Take care of your pet by giving them the tools they need to know how to ask for what they want or need--and, even more importantly, by giving them the resources they need to know when mealtime is over, you are stressed out and need affection, and so forth.

Of course, as we noted in the beginning, in order to take care of your pet you have to start with getting regular veterinary care. Request an appointment today to make sure your pet is at it’s best.